

達成基準 1.4.3 を理解する | WCAG 2.0解説書

達成基準 1.4.6 を理解する | WCAG 2.0解説書


"contrast white text"とかでググってみるといくつか記事が見つかった。

For many of us, some of these combinations are not very readable. That is why 4.5:1 is a minimal contrast ratio.


WebAIM: Contrast and Color Accessibility - Understanding WCAG 2 Contrast and Color Requirements

Myth 1: The WCAG requirements are always optimal

One case where the WCAG standards aren’t applicable is with the brightness contrast of white text.



The Myths of Color Contrast Accessibility

もう少し探してみると、この「The Myths of Color Contrast Accessibility」の記事に対する返答の記事を見つけた。

There is no "Myths of Color Contrast Accessibility"


Contrast Ratio Math and Related Visual Issues · Issue #695 · w3c/wcag · GitHub

The W3C's specification for determining sRGB contrast as discussed in "Understanding WCAG 2.0 and 2.1, Minimum Contrast 1.4.3" is not perceptually uniform and as a result creates "contrast ratios" that are not meaningful.

「Understanding WCAG 2.0 and 2.1, Minimum Contrast 1.4.3」で説明されているsRGBコントラストを決定するためのW3Cの仕様は、知覚的に均一ではなく、その結果、意味のない「コントラスト比」が作成されます。


we've found that the issue is not so much using "simple contrast" as it is the manner (or lack of) considering ambient lighting, the nature of illuminated displays, and/or a lack of math that better models human non-linear perception.



With a random set of colors, about 50% false passes and 22% false fails compared to a perceptually uniform prediction model such as SAPC.



The new methods are part of 3.0, as they are a complete break from the current methods. As such, discussing the current methods is somewhat moot — those are not going to change.

新しい手法は3.0の一部であり、現在の手法から完全に脱却したものです。このように、現在の手法を議論することはやや無意味です - それらは変更されないでしょう。


