
X DO NOT assign instances of mutable types to readonly fields.

A mutable type is a type with instances that can be modified after they are instantiated. For example, arrays, most collections, and streams are mutable types, but System.Int32, System.Uri, and System.String are all immutable. The read-only modifier on a reference type field prevents the instance stored in the field from being replaced, but it does not prevent the field’s instance data from being modified by calling members changing the instance.

Field Design | Microsoft Docs

An externally visible type contains an externally visible read-only field that is a mutable reference type.

The read-only modifier (readonly in C#, ReadOnly in Visual Basic, and const in C++) on a reference type field (or pointer in C++) prevents the field from being replaced by a different instance of the reference type. However, the modifier does not prevent the instance data of the field from being modified through the reference type.

CA2104:読み取り専用の変更可能な参照型を宣言しません - Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs



  • 不変型を再代入不可なフィールドで扱いたい
  • 不変型を再代入可能なフィールドで扱いたい
  • 可変型を再代入不可なフィールドで扱いたい
  • 可変型を再代入可能なフィールドで扱いたい

